Thursday, September 18, 2014

Internet Usage in the Elderly:

Ready to join the age of the internet but don’t know where to begin? Research shows that billions of people across the globe log onto the internet daily, but it seems to be that the elderly are not included in those statistics. The lack of internet usage by the elderly can mainly be attributed to the sheer unfamiliarity of the world wide web and all the other technology associated with it. As unfamiliar, vast, and foreign the internet may be to an elderly person there are many worthwhile benefits that come along with surfing the web. First off, new studies show that internet usage in the elderly can help prevent depression. As people age they begin to feel isolated and lonely the internet can reverse those feelings. The internet is a great place for the elderly to promote sociability and connect with others, through platforms such as Facebook, Email, Blogs and more. There is no better feeling that connecting with an old friend, or even making new ones. A second major benefit of internet usage for the elderly is increased brain function. As you age it is important to keep your mental capacity at its peak. The best way to do that is keeping your mind stimulated, and the internet does just that. Still doubtful? Research has proven that even minimal internet usage in the elderly can improve brain function and efficiency.  

So where do you begin on your new journey in cyberspace? The answer lies in two important points. Firstly, the best way to learn is by being taught by somebody who is experienced. Find a relative or friend who is willing to teach you the basics of internet usage to get you started. Ask them to show you how to do internet searches, internet shopping, and helpful functions like copy and paste. Once you have learned from others the next step is trying it out yourself. Take time to explore the wonders of cyberspace on your own. Just like many things in life, surfing the internet needs practice.

There has never been a better time to begin using the internet. So much can be done on the internet such as shopping, banking, and learning about the world around you. What are you waiting for? Now is the time!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Home Security Tips for Seniors:

Many seniors enjoy living on their own or with a loved one. However, statistics show that the elderly are at high risk for crime inside the home, mainly burglary. Below are tips that guide seniors to having a safe home at all times.

1. Many times old windows and doors begin to rot and make it difficult to lock. Make sure each door and window in your home can be properly locked and secured. If possible, consider looking into a home alarm system that is connected to your local police station.

2. Never leave a spare key under a front door mat or in a mailbox. This is generally where they are hidden, and the first place where burglars tend to look.

3. Make sure you have adequate lighting outside the perimeter of your home, including the street. Additionally make sure your home address is clear and visible from the street. This will make sure that your house can be easily found in case of an emergency. 

4. Become friendly with your neighbors and let them know if you will be away from home for a few days or an extended amount of time. Kindly ask them to keep an eye out for any strange or suspicious activity on your property while you are away.

5. Before letting a service worker in your home (such as utility workers or even policemen) check his or her identification card and call the company to make sure it is scheduled. Do not open the door or let anybody into your home without verifying it first.

6. Inside your home keep all your valuables in a safe place, such as a fire-proof safe. If you choose to keep items like passports, jewelry, and large amounts of money in a safe make sure you remember the code or have a spare key. Never leave any valuables out in the open, such as on a dresser. This will prevent easy theft in case of a burglary.  

7. Still keep your money in your mattress? You may want to think twice about that and keep in safely in a bank. In the homes of the elderly burglars generally look in the mattress of the home where lo and behold they find lots of cash. Keep your money safe!

Following these few tips will ensure each elderly person will have a safe and happy home!

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Guide for Taking Medication

Many times a person will be prescribed a drug that does not specify when exactly it should be taken. Although you may have been told how many times to take it, do you know exactly when? For example, if your doctor prescribed you an oral pill to take once a day, when is the best time to take it? Morning? Afternoon? At night before bed? A simple call to your doctor can give you the answer, but recent studies show the answer is not as simple as we may think. It has been found that finding the ideal time frame of when to take a drug can make the drug more effective as well as decrease the chances of unwanted side-effects. Finding this ideal time is known as drug chronotherapy. Drug chronotherapy can greatly help the effectiveness of drugs used for the relief of arthritis which is common in the elderly, as well as the effectiveness of cancer treatments. Below is a helpful guide clarifying the best times to take certain medications that are often prescribed to the elderly.
  • Medication for High-Cholesterol: Take this before you go to bed as bad cholesterol levels are highest around midnight.
  • Medication for High-Blood Pressure: Take this before you go to bed helps normalize blood pressure rhythm for the coming day.
  • Medication for osteoarthritis: Take four to six hours before the pain reaches its peak. Therefore the medication will kick exactly when needed.
  • Medication for Heartburn: If your heartburn is the worst during the nighttime it is best to take your medication thirty minutes before your evening meal.
  • Medication for Arthritis: Take at night, generally before bed, this will help with pain the next day.
These helpful guidelines will surely make sure you get the most out of your medication. However, before making any changes it is important to contact your doctor and pharmacist and confirm it with them first.